

According to the structure of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Founded the Office of Academic Resources and Information Technology With an internal structure consisting of Information Technology Department for academic work, with 3 internal departments: Computer Center Division, Network and Internet Center And e-learning department


Has changed the administrative structure of the department. From the original name “Information Technology Department for Academic Affairs” changed to “Information Technology Division” and departments under the department changed to 3 departments, namely Computer Technology Department (Formerly Computer Center Department) Network Engineering Department (Formerly Department of Network and Internet Center) and Department of E-Learning and Educational Technology Department of E-Learning and Educational Technology Department was formed by the merger of 2 departments: E-Learning Department. still Information Technology Jobs In collaboration with the Educational Technology Department Formerly affiliated with Academic Services Office of Academic Resources and Information Technology


Has changed the structure. Information Technology Jobs By combining agencies with the same mission By the Department of Management Information Systems Which was originally affiliated with Policy and Planning Division Was moved to the IT department


Has changed the management structure of the agency once again. By combining the department of e-learning and educational technology And the computer technology department together To carry out training to provide knowledge on information technology. Production of media to support teaching and learning And academic services to support teaching and learning
